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The role of a parent/guardian is to ensure the safety of the people you are responsible for. This can look differently depending on your environment. We have a vetted collection of information, resources and support to help you understand the risks and responsibilities of your role, in relation to those in your care.
Some of the responsibilities of a parent/guardian are to help provide an understanding of the potential dangers of a given environment, and to model proper safety practices. As your actions are an example to those you are taking care of, it is important that you can act as a role model in demonstrating the same safe work practices that you want your children to have.
Are you hiring staff between the ages of 13 and 15? If so, they have to complete the Young Workers Readiness Certificate Course before they can start and employers must have the certificate on file. Our presentations teach to the course and you can learn more about the program and sign up by clicking the link below.